Monday, January 10, 2011


Dear Body,

Hey you. I know we have spent 23 (almost 24) long, crazy years together but I would really appreciate it if we could stick it out for maybe another 40-50 more. Yes, the past few months have been hard on us. Food poisoning, flu after flu after non-stop flu and countless sore throats. And now? Now that I've been trying to be physically fit and active you go ahead and tear a ligament slash sprain yourself? I know this one was thanks to my personal silliness. I mean after all, what dodo thinks that just because I am inside with my Wii Fit equates to not wearing shoes when running? But I'm trying to take better care of you to be strong! And it is awfully difficult when you keep collapsing one way or another.

So here is to a speedy yet healthy recovery. Here is to trying to regain that exercise momentum once we are healed! Here is to a stronger and better you!

Yours truly


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